Vale Vets Portishead 01275 847400
Vale Vets Pill 01275 372448

Kay Bentham

Registered Veterinary Nurse

Kay Bentham - Registered Veterinary Nurse
Kay Bentham RVN Registered Veterinary Nurse

Kay qualified as an RVN in 2015 at a small animal practice in Ayrshire, Scotland. She moved to sunny Wales in 2017 to live with her husband where she then started working at Vale vets. Kay enjoys all aspects of nursing, but her passion is anaesthesia and surgery. She has completed a Merit award in Surgical nursing in 2018 and would like to complete an anaesthesia certificate in the future. Kay likes to spend her days off exploring the countryside with her German Short Haired Pointers Fergus and Ivy as well as being kept on her toes by rescue cat Flo.